ImmunoStar Antibody Sales, Discounts, and Promotions

50% Off Coupon
Submit an antibody review and get 50% off your next purchase of an antibody.
Reviews should include helpful details such as the application and tissue used, protocol steps, and a description of the staining results as well as your name. Here are a few examples of reviews for our 5-HT Rabbit Antibody (# 20080) .
To submit a review, log in to or register with ImmunoStar’s website. Go to the specific antibody product page and select the “Reviews” tab. After a review is submitted we will send your coupon number by email. Or you can submit a review by sending an email to [email protected] with your review details.
Only one coupon may be used per antibody. You may submit multiple reviews to earn multiple coupons. Include coupon number when placing order for the 50% off antibody. To get this promotion for orders placed online, add the coupon number in the Comment Section and we will adjust the invoice with the discount. The cart does not automatically apply coupons. Coupons may not be used with other discounts.

New Lab Discount
10% off Five Antibodies
Plus Free Shipping
ImmunoStar is proud to support the start up of new neuroscience research labs.
Fill out the one-page form and send to [email protected] to receive 10% off your first five antibodies plus free shipping. Order one at a time or all at once.

Bulk Discount
10% off Five or More
20% off Ten or More
To receive our Bulk Discount of 10% off Five or more or 20% off Ten or more ImmunoStar Antibodies:
Write “Bulk Discount” in the Customer Comment box when using our online ordering. If ordering by Purchase Order, write “Bulk Discount” on the form.
This promotion is valid for the bulk purchase of the same antibody only. It is not available with other discounts or when purchasing from a distributor.
Contact us for more information on any ImmunoStar Promotions.